Friday, April 1, 2016

Letter Poem

The letter C looks like a big nose on a cartoon character's face
Or perhaps a wave in the deep blue sea
It looks like a bowl, or a leaf falling from a tree
The letter C could be an earring, or a rock, or maybe even just a simple looking C
A rock on the shore of a beach, waiting to be skipped
The letter C is really anything flipped
The letter C can be a crucible, cookie, or even a can
You know what you see so just it and be a man
The letter C flipped to the side looks like Captain Hook's hand
The letter C is a resemblance of the the word courage, or maybe it stands for carnival
The letter C stands for cactus, a  bright green caeser salad  perhaps
The letter C is untold
You can flip and behold
A picture of your very own

Insult Poem

Your smile is like looking at the bottom of the trash
One of these days your face will make someone crash
Your odor is like the smell of jock sweat
Your mom calls you a big regret

I should get a personal bodyguard so your head would go smash
Your face just looks like an irritated rash
You have no friends and no one likes you but don't fret
You better skedaddle before I put you on a jet

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

The House on Wall Street

By: MacKensey McFee

“Mom I don’t want to leave, Shady Falls is so far from here, how will be able to come back and see my friends?” Georgie said to her mother.

“Well, it is not like I want to leave either but we have to Phil is down there, and I already enrolled you in school, and I have a job interview.” Georgie’s mother spoke. Shady Falls was about a three hour drive from Sunny Side Vista and Georgie was not too pleased, her father left them for a new family, and her mom just remarried. Georgie was scared and nervous about her new school in Shady Falls, but she had no choice she started tomorrow and it was too late to talk her mother out of doing this. Rain clouds, manicured lawns, and convertibles Georgie knew they had just gotten into Shady Falls and it made her sick just thinking about it.

“We are here, are you ready?” Her mother said.

“As ready as I will ever be I guess.” They got out of their rusted old car, not the most appealing coming from a town that had no money, to a town that had money written all over it. They walked up the cobblestone pathway to the three story home, and there he stood my worst nightmare, Phil. Georgie had unpacked everything, and started texting her friends back home she missed them already. She was just about to put music in when all of a sudden she heard her mom yell for her.

“Georgie! Come down here we need you.”

 “What mom, I am busy with other things right now.” She said.

 “Well, I was wondering if you would like to join us for dinner tonight.”

“No, I will pass I would rather starve then eat what this guy had to make for us.” Then she left slamming her bedroom door behind her.

 Morning, could not have arrived fast enough Georgie thought, yet she didn’t want to go to school either. Georgie got ready, put her makeup on, put her hair in a loose ponytail, pulled on jeans and a shirt and rushed out the door. Georgie got into her old car, and headed to Shady Falls High School where her life was about to be ruined. Georgie had gotten out of her car and locked it, not that anybody would want to steal a piece of junk car like that. She got out and low and behold her there stood a huge prom sign saying, Get Your Prom Tickets! Don’t forget a date for the Senior Prom. She slid past a huge mob of people ordering tickets, and signing petitions, Georgie had already knew that she was definitely not going to prom especially in a place like Shady Falls. She started walking then all of a sudden, Boom! She fell to the ground and her books going everywhere.

“Oh my god! Are you alright? I didn’t see you I am so sorry, here let me help you with those.”

 “Seriously, you didn’t see me! That is so low I can’t believe my first day here and already you rich snobs have the decency to say “oh I didn’t see you.’ Yeah thanks a lot jerk!” She grabbed her books and swatted the beautiful blonde haired boy away and said, “Go on go and play golf or buy something.”

“I said I was sorry, I was only trying to help.” He said then he walked away. She kept walking down the hall to where her new locker was, next to it a girl about the same height with the reddest hair she had ever seen was right next to it.

“Oh My God! A new locker buddy! This is so exciting, I have been months and nobody showed up.” She said. “Okay hello, I am glad you have a locker buddy now, I guess?” “Oh me too. What’s your name? My name is Veronica I have a feeling that we are going to be the best of friends.”

Georgie spoke, “Nice to meet you, my name is Georgie and yeah sure I guess we could be friends.” Veronica and Georgie were in the exact same classes which was a relief because Georgie didn’t think she could make it through.

 It was finally lunch and Veronica and Georgie had sat at a table right next to a bunch of people who were loud and acted they owned the place. Then out of the corner of her eye there he was that guy that had called her out. Georgie asked Veronica who he was and she said, “Oh that is Bryan Field, only the hottest guy on campus and the captain of the football team. He is totally available and literally every girl wants to be with him, and every guy wants to be him.”

 Georgie and her new best friend Veronica got up, and started making plans for later that night. They ended up renting a movie and chilling at Veronica’s house. Georgie finally left and as she was driving home, there was a huge house, it looked deserted with a huge gate around it, tall weeds, and no cars. She believed that it was deserted until the small flicker of a light gleamed through the tallest window in the house. Georgie was curious, she would have to ask Veronica about it tomorrow. Georgie had just gotten up for another morning and she knew that she had to ask Veronica about the house that she had saw last night. She waved to Veronica put her stuff in her locker and set off to go and talk to her. Georgie asked Veronica about the house she saw and Veronica told her the story.

 “Georgie you have to promise me that you will never go into that house. It is on Wall Street! Nobody goes onto Wall Street trust me. About ten years ago this guy Ted Clay and his wife Mandy Clay lived in that house; they had the biggest house, the perfect lawn, and the perfect life. Then one day out of nowhere his wife died, he grieved and grieved for days. Eventually, his lawn died, he never came out, and he hated anybody that set foot on his property. Nobody has seen him since, he might be dead for all we know.” She trailed off then stared into the distance.

“Has anybody in the past ten years try to go and figure this thing out?” Georgie said.

“No! Georgie nobody has set foot on his property and you’re not going to either.” She said.

“Well I am curious, and I am going to find out what is going on in that house, if it is the last thing I do.” She walked away and left Veronica trailing after her not wanting her to leave. Georgie got in her car and Veronica hurried and jumped in the car before she drove away.

“Veronica what ae you doing here? I thought that you didn’t want to go to that house.” Georgie said.

“Well, I was not letting you go by yourself, that place is creepy and who knows what is in there.” She said. Georgie and Veronica sat in silence until she pulled up right next to the black gate with chains and locks surrounding it. Veronica started to shiver.

“What’s wrong? Are you cold do you need me to turn up the heat or something?” Georgie said.

 “No, it is not cold, this place just gives me the creeps and makes my stomach feel all queasy. We should probably go, school starts in about twenty minutes.”

Georgie began to pull away and start heading back to school, she knew that she had to come back tonight where nobody or anything could distract her. Georgie and Veronica finally got back to school and started their first class together, Biology. As Georgie and Veronica entered the room Mr. Campbell the biology teacher decided to do new seating arrangements. Veronica got put by this guy who looked like he was twelve he had large rectangular glasses, a plaid shirt collar and bow tie, suspenders, high water blue jeans, and church shoes. At least she would get a good grade and not fail biology because of him Georgie thought. She wondered who she would be paired up with. Finally, the last on the list she got called and sitting in the seat right next to hers was the one and only Bryan Field. That jerk she thought not only had he knocked her books down, told her he didn’t even see her, then now she has to sit with him for the rest of the year. She walked over to the table and slammed her books down on the table and sighed.

“It looks like somebody isn’t having a good day. Am I really that bad? I can move if you want me to.” Bryan said.

“No, you can stay here I guess, I just didn’t really want to sit next to someone who knocked my books to the ground, said he didn’t see me, then just walked away.” She said.

“Look I am really sorry. I said I was and I didn’t mean to say I didn’t see you when it offended you so much. I meant I didn’t see you because I was distracted by something behind you and ran into you. So, again I am really sorry can we start over please? My name is Bryan. What is yours?”

“Okay sorry, I shouldn’t have over reacted. I guess I am really mad that my mom made me move here because she got married again. Thank you for apologizing when really I could have handled the situation better than I did, my name is Georgie.”

“That is a nice name, it is really unique. So, if you want after maybe we can go get lunch or something if you want to.” He said.

“Yeah that would be really nice actually, I am starving where you want to meet at.”

“We can go in my car if you want it is the red convertible in the front parking space and then when we get there we can decide what we want to eat.” He said.

“Okay sounds good, I will see you at lunch then.” The bell rang and she grabbed her bag, said goodbye to Bryan, and hustled to Veronica to tell her what just happened. She felt butterflies in her stomach and she was sweating like crazy she was feeling mixed emotions; nervous and excited. She went to her locker and Veronica started rambling on about something. Georgie was half listening she was too busy watching Bryan Field walk down the halls right past her.

“Georgie snap out of it! Did you just hear what I said? Whatever, so that guy I sit by in Biology now is crazy smart, he practically did all of the work it was great. What about you did you have fun with Bryan Fields?”

“Actually yes, he is so nice he apologized for the  day when he ran into me, and we are going to go and eat lunch somewhere. He told me to meet him by his red convertible. I am so nervous I have never been to lunch with a guy before, what do I do? Help me!”

“Calm down, breathe everything is going to be fine just go to lunch with him and get his phone number, then maybe he will ask you out again.” Veronica said.

“You are right, okay thanks. Did you want to hang out tonight? I have something planned you are literally going to die for?”

“Yeah, I can hang out I will see you after school then, bye have a good lunch.” Veronica and Georgie both went separate ways down the hallway and headed to their next classes. Georgie kept staring at the clock, it was the longest class ever. She just couldn’t wait until lunch, she didn’t know what to expect and she hoped nothing went wrong. The bell finally rang and she went to her locker to put her books away, and she grabbed her keys so nobody could steal them. She walked out and the rain just came pouring down and all she could see was the glow of his red convertible in the mist and standing right next to it was Bryan. He ran to the passenger side and held the door open for Georgie to get in. Georgie sat on the leather seat and felt she had to sit perfectly still or else she would break something. He finally opened the door and slid in the driver’s seat. Georgie put on her seat belt and looked at Bryan. Bryan was just staring at her, she didn’t know why but as he looked at her she began to blush, and she saw the most mesmerizing eyes, they were solid ice blue and bold and bright.

“Why are you staring at me all weird? Do I have something on my face? Oh My God! Is my makeup smeared?!” She panicked. Bryan started to laugh and just kept looking at her.

“No, there is nothing on your face, I was just looking at you. You’re not like most girls I meet, you are different, a good different. Has anybody told you that you are beautiful and you have the best smile?”

“No nobody has ever told me that before. Thank you that is probably the nicest thing anybody has ever said to me. We should probably go before we run out of time.” She said.

“You’re welcome for the compliment. And yes we probably should go.” He pulled out of the parking lot and they headed to lunch. After Georgie and Bryan went to eat lunch they drove back to school and Bryan asked for Georgie’s number and she gave it to him they both went to their next period classes and finished the day of school fast. Georgie and Veronica hopped into Georgie’s car and they moved out of the parking lot and Georgie started to head onto the road where their big plans were.

“Where are we going Georgie? Just tell me I won’t back out of anything we do if you tell me right now.” Veronica said. The Georgie stopped the car and rolled her window down and both girls looked out through the thick mist and rain.

“We are here, we are going into that house and figuring out what is going on. We need to see if somebody is still in there or not.” She said.

“Georgie I told you something weird is going on in that place. I am not going in there I already told you I wasn’t going to.”

“Well, I guess you’re staying in the car then. I don’t know when I will be back so don’t be worried if it takes forever.” She shut the car door and started walking towards the gate. Veronica jumped out of the car and ran after Georgie there was no way Veronica was going to let her go into that house by herself. Georgie picked up the chains and locks, and nothing would budge. Georgie started climbing the fence and right as she got to the top of the fence she got her leg caught and fell to the ground on the other side. She sat up hesitantly and light headed.

“Georgie! What the heck! Why would you do that? You took a pretty hard fall, ad look at your leg you cut it really bad we need to leave.” Veronica said. Georgie looked at her leg and there was a huge gash it was oozing blood all over, but she didn’t even think about it and got up and told Veronica to jump over.

“Come on Veronica just jump over, so we can figure this thing out already.” Georgie said. Veronica jumped over and they started walking slowly towards the house. The little window had a dim light and Veronica and Georgie met gazes with each other and kept walking. They finally got to the door and it was bolted shut. Georgie tried opening it but it wouldn’t budge. Georgie searched the side of the house and finally found a window that would open. Georgie slid the window open and she climbed into the house through the window and Veronica followed. They looked in the house and the lights were on. Surrounded by cobwebs everything was dusty and broken glass was everywhere. Georgie went and scoped the house out but it didn’t seem that anybody was there. Georgie went upstairs and all she could hear at the bottom of her feet was the sharp creaking of floorboards hitting nails repeatedly. Georgie wanted to figure out where that light was coming from, she inched her way up the stairs and there in an opening stood a small wooden box and the light glistened off of it like it was always mean to be there. Georgie went into the little room and carefully lifted the lid to the box to see what was inside. She knelt next to it and inside the box was a dead woman nestled in a blanket. Georgie shivered and as she was going to leave she heard a door slam behind her. She heard bolts and locks surround the door, she knew somebody had locked her in there on purpose and she had to get out now.

“Georgie help! Someone is here hurry he’s coming after me!” Veronica screamed.

“Veronica, I am trapped somebody locked me in here, I will try to hurry!” She yelled back. Georgie suddenly heard a loud thud and it went pitch black and silent. Georgie couldn’t hear anything so she scurried through the room trying to find a way out or something to help her get out. She found a pry bar in the windowsill and she pried the door. She kept prying and prying until the door came loose and she fell on her back from pulling so hard, she shook it off then went to go and find Veronica. Georgie ran down the stairs as fast as she could and as she ran she tripped over something. Georgie rolled down the stairs and hit something at the bottom. It was warm, sticky, and wet. She got up and shined the flashlight on her phone on the thing she fell on. She turned it on and there she lied dead blood everywhere. She was gone how could she have let this happen Georgie thought. Veronica was dead somebody killed her and it was all her fault. Tears rolled down Georgie’s eyes and she couldn’t help but screaming.

“You killed her! You killed an innocent person! When I find you I am going to end you!” Georgie screamed. Georgie got up and realized she still had the crowbar in her hand. She searched the dark and mysterious house and tried to find the person who killed Veronica and locked her in that room. Georgie heard footsteps she quickly hid on the side of the wall and the faint sound of breathing kept creeping closer and closer to where Georgie was. Georgie couldn’t hear anything anymore she got off the wall and began to go search again until somebody grabbed her and threw down onto the ground.

“Who are you? Why did you kill Veronica I am going to call the cops, you better leave me alone.” Georgie said out of breath.

“It doesn’t matter if you call the cops your friend is already dead and you’re going to be next. You’re not leaving this house alive.” He said. Georgie shined the light in his face and there stood an old man. He seemed possessed he had rotten yellow teeth, rags for clothes, it looked like he hadn’t slept in days he reeked of blood and old lady perfume. Georgie quickly hit him in the knee with the crowbar as hard as she could and took off running towards the kitchen. She slid under the table and took her phone out first she called the cops.

“911 What is you Emergency.” The operator said.

“Hello, this is Georgie Stacks and I would like to report a murder in a house an old man killed her, he is holding me hostage and he is a psycho. Please bring help and hurry we don’t have much time.” She quickly hung up the phone and dialed Bryan’s number. He answered the phone on the first ring and asked what was wrong.

“Bryan I need help this guy is going crazy! Veronica is dead you need to come now and hurry. I already called the cops!” Georgie started balling and she couldn’t stop.

“Georgie calm down. Where are you?” Bryan said.

“Okay, I am at the creepy house that Ted and Mandy Clay lived in. I think Ted is trying to kill me he already killed Veronica and I am next hurry there is a window already open don’t let him see you get in and be careful he is dangerous and sneaky.” She said.

“Alright Georgie I’m coming I will go as fast as I can and try to stay calm everything is going to be okay I will see you in a little bit bye.” Then he hung up. Georgie was still hiding under the kitchen table. Ted began to search through everything else to find her except for the table, which was a relief because Georgie couldn’t hold Ted off.

“Little Girl, where are you? I just want you out of my house. You don’t understand everything I have gone through to keep this place free of people and yet today you chose to violate that and come in here anyways.” Ted said. He herd Georgie breathing and sobbing and he grabbed her by the leg and dragged her out from under the table. She kicked and screamed and shook free of his grasp. She held the crowbar out in front of her so she would be ready to swing if he came near her.

“You don’t have to do this, I know what happened here. Ted I know you have had a rough couple of years without Mandy but you have to let it go and move on.” Georgie said.

“How do you know my name? Who told you about Mandy? I loved her and I didn’t mean to kill her. I love her she knows that.” Ted said.

“I know you love her Ted but she is dead. She is never coming back and you have to believe that. You killed my best friend today and you are going to pay for it.” Georgie said.

“What are you going to kill me? Please, I already killed your friend and I am going to kill you now.” Ted said.

“Not if I can help it you’re not. Now Bryan just do it!” Georgie screamed. Bryan had grabbed Ted and threw him outside. Ted tried to fight back but Bryan was so strong that it seemed that he was shaking him like a rag doll. Ted punched Bryan in the jaw. Bryan hurt but he was going to end him.

“Georgie throw me the crowbar!” Bryan shouted. Bryan hit Ted on the back with the crowbar and knocked him down to the ground where ted lied there unconscious and bloody. Georgie ran into Bryan’s arms and started weeping.

“He killed Veronica Bryan. I tried to help her but I couldn’t I was too late. I am so sorry I dragged you into this I shouldn’t have even tried going in there.” She said.

“I know Georgie but it is okay I am here now. All that matters is you stopped this from happening anymore and you pretty much just eliminated a psycho path that was on the loose.” Bryan said to her.

“Thank you Bryan without you I probably would have been taken down and you probably wouldn’t have broken your jaw because of me.”

“It’s ok if I broke my jaw because of somebody I like.” Bryan said with a smile. Then the echo of sirens rang through the air. The cops pulled up and rammed the gate and hopped out of the car. They pulled Ted up off the ground, handcuffed him and put him in the car. The police officer thanked Georgie and Bryan for what they did then asked where Veronica was.

“Veronica is dead in the house, I tried helping her but I was too late. He locked me in a room. I am so sorry.” Georgie said. The cop started running towards the house then Georgie just remembered.

“Sheriff! There is also his wife in a box in a small room up the stairs she probably needs to be taken out.”

“Thank you we will get her out.” The sheriff said. The officers searched the place and drove Ted into town to press chargers, and give him his sentence in prison. Bryan and Georgie drove separate and met at a restaurant that was Bryan’s idea. Bryan and Georgie sat at the restaurant and ate dinner, talked for a while and then Bryan paid for the meal. After Bryan paid for the meal he drove Georgie home. Georgie knew that the house she visited was free and safe of any trouble or harm. Georgie didn’t want to go to school tomorrow but she knew she had too for the sake of Veronica and herself. Bryan pulled up to Georgie’s house and as soon as Georgie was getting out of the car Bryan grabbed her arm.

“Umm, Georgie?” He spoke quietly.

“Yeah Bryan?” she said.

“Do you have a date for the prom? Because I was wondering if you would do me the honor of letting me take you.”

“Umm, I don’t have a date for the prom yet and yeah I would love to go with you.”

“Alright then. One more thing then since we are going to prom together I think that I should ask if you would be my girlfriend too?”

“I would love too. Okay I should probably go inside and I will see you tomorrow at school.” She said. She closed the door, smiled all the way until she got to her room then she went to bed. The next day at school there was a ceremony in the gym and it was for Veronica. Georgie got to speak about Veronica and what had happened.

“I didn’t know Veronica long enough to know what she would have wanted me to say but, I knew her well enough to know that she was a great person and a great friend. It was partly my fault for Veronica’s death but I know that I can’t beat myself up every day knowing it was partly my fault. When I was new to this school everything was all wrong, until I met veronica. She put everything into perspective and became my best friend. This is why I am here today to honor Veronica because not only is she a good person but she help me take down one of the most frightening things ever known. Thank you all for being here and have a nice day.” Georgie jumped of the podium and heard the applause bounce off of every wall in the gym. Georgie knew she had won, she had a great friend, a new boyfriend, and the honor of knowing that she helped her new town and home. Georgie walked down the hall and knew she was home, she was just waiting for something else to happen next.

Friday, January 8, 2016

Welcome to my blog everybody! I hope you enjoy my blog and posts and have fun doing it.